think i m really getting weird.
kelly just called me just now, ask me to go k-ge.... (sing karaoke), but i told her im brokez and the fact that i just ordered mac D delivery.
she was liked - how come you don't go out liao... always hear u stay at home.
it got me thinking.
i am liked this now. i seldom go out. even now when i m on long leave, i choose to stay at home. going to places like sun plaza is also a hassle for me.
i feel different.
in the past, orchard is never far for me. now i find orchard troublesome.
the thought of travelling up and down makes me all weak and 'nuahz'.
gosh what is happening to me??
even when my friend offer to pick me up to go out, i just don't have the mood to go out.
being brokez is one thing. but guess the main thing is i lost my spirit.
being lifeless now.
i stayed at home since i was on leave on thursday till now.
rotting and watching VCDS of idol drama series.
i just finish tokyo juliet in liked 1 day.... the show is nice but a bit draggy.
haven even started watching MY GIRL yet which i have to like return in less den 2 days to my friend.
i was eagerly anticipating watching it but now i don't feel the rush already.
i just don't feel the rush for anything anymore. its really like at a dead monotonous speed.
lost of direction and feeling a sense of betrayal.
i only feel a jolt when i see wu zun on screen.... i just love pretty boys.....
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