Saturday, December 22, 2007

my christmas with my lil friends ... my lovable frens.

had a cosy and costly christmas dinner with my gals.
My lil xiao peng you-s :)
its always fun hanging out with them. just joke, drink and laugh laugh laugh.
i laughed so much i had cramps in my tummy.
hick hick...
wanna see the good food we had.... voila...
Merry christmas gals!
qinz.- rem to wear the .... ar! play mj, HUAT AR. woohoo!!

- i love my lovable lil kiddies.. :)

- cheers! to a brand new year soon.

- whats a meal without starters!

- yummy main courses. seabass, roasted lamb, pasta.

- nice & tasty desserts. yummy!

- signature cappucino... the heart shape one is the specially created for someone wor.. qinz hor...