Monday, June 15, 2009

Every gal needs a skincare daily regime.

i guess ive always been slower to realise make up/skincare/mani/pedi are a LOVE LOVE NEED in a woman's life.
i started using make up in poly days, which compared to my peers, im really slow.
and the reason i started was cause i got my heart broken. haha. heart break sort of make me wanna make myself different.
i regularly went for eye brow treatment, and occasionally did mani & pedi. trust me, doing mani & pedi can be a pure therapy enjoyment. u just sit back and relax, allowing your legs & hands to be pampered.
Since young, my face has always been oily and acne prone. and there are old scars, and blackheads (super hate!)..
So now i try to take better care of my skin as much as i can.
Recently i top up on my derma products and the BB cream that is going on madly in the market now.
Im still new to using BB cream, will review when i use more.

Below are my usual skincare products with the addition of BB cream that my didi bought from taiwan. he ask the sales gal for a recommendation and the gal actually intro the brand i wanna get online.

Every woman needs a skincare daily regime!!!! :))


modgam said...

u didnt start late...i started later... at 23 or so?? LOL babe, lets learn together leh... i really envy some gals who noes how to doll up so flawlessly... i wonder how they do it...

I.P said...

no matter how late, thank god we started!!!!!

haaa me too..
im still trying not to poke myself in the eye when i draw eye liner.