Thursday, December 21, 2006

fann wong & christopher lee

was going dinner with my auntie lailah and two pretty coz, nadia & nasha......
heading to dan ryans
as usual we were chattering at the top of our lungs, when we stop at a pedestrain crossing...
n smack right in front of me was CHRISTOPHER LEE & FANN WONG.....

C was wearing a simple tee shirt and jeans, carrying a big shoulder bag....
F was wearing a white sleeveless top and black crop pants.... ( which i personally thinks that it looks weird, but i bet its sponsored)
anyway i was a bit starstruck but i pretend i din notice them
they look really loving. not intimate actions but close enough gesture of sweetness.....

so who the hell spread the rumours that they were breaking up!
for god's sake! get ur news right !!
u are misleading us folks out here.