Saturday, August 04, 2007

kel's birthday dinner at mimolette & PARTY at Thumper - 03.08.07

our miss kelly tan decided to hold her FIRST bday party at her 25th big day. :)
dinner was a cosy affair for a few of us at mimolette.
after dinner we went to thumper where it become a bigger affair with her friends from all walks of life coming to wish her a happy birthday.
mounts of hugs n kisses. (on the cheeks! only koochie can kiss lips. hee)
i hope u like the pressie babe.
and a great Party!.


- THUMPER (p/s: huge coaster! kel kel i want i want )

- mimolette. cosy n romantic place.

- zan, cindy, kelly

- furfurangel, pure-blondie, feifeizhu.

- kelly and her koochie.

- groupie!

- smile!

- US after such a long time.

- the day feifeizhu meets fellow blogger : furfurangel.

- cheers everyone!

- a surprise cake from her co-workers.